These are a few popular videos if you would like to see a more extensive list of my messages, check out the “Speaking” link in the browser above or check out my youtube channel at this link for a complete library.

Quit Listening to that BS – (Don’t judge it before you listen to it – It’s not what you might think…)

In this video Aaron Davis, aka @TattooPreacher discusses how what we listen to can impact our reality.

The Bible on Tattoos and Piercings

There is a lot of debate in the church about how God feels about tattoos and piercings and what the bible says regarding them.  Aaron breaks down every scripture in the Bible referring to tattoos and piercings and offers a balanced perspective on how Christians should view and respond to this controversial subject.

What Does the Bible Say About Using Drugs…?

There is a lot of speculation about whether or not the Bible says anything about recreational drug use…You may be surprised to know that there is actually a direct address of the subject in the original text.

A Day Behind Kevlar – Spoken Word

Spoken Word written by Aaron Davis about his time as a police officer

Understanding Covenant From God’s Perspective

Everyone has a different idea of what a “Covenant” looks like based upon their experiences and what they have been taught.  But what does Covenant look like from God’s perspective and how does HIS perspective change EVERYTHING that we may have previously believed?!  Check out this extremely revealing illustrated sermon, Understanding Covenant from God’s Perspective.

The Resurrected Life

“Many insist that God does not exist or that He does not perform miracles…Their argument does not move me because i’ve SEEN with my own eyes what they say is impossible” Aaron Davis, The Tattooed Preacher explains how Christ provided so much more than many of us understand! He established the Kingdom of Heaven in the Earth and has given us the ability to live the Resurrected Life!

Jesus Was A Rockstar!

This is one of Pastor Aaron’s most popular teachings as he speaks on the “Lost Years” of Jesus in the Bible.  What happened between the time he was conversing with the priests and when he began his ministry.  Jesus was not just a common man in his day… In modern day terms… Jesus was a ROCKSTAR!