by TattooPreacher | Nov 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
When You Can’t See The Forest For The Trees… Transparently, “Documenting the Journey” today… It is what it is… I just got off the phone with my dad. I’ve been kind of struggling with some things lately as it pertains to successes and perceived failures. As the story...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
It was tough that first year of marriage. Lisa and I were married for 6 months and then moved away from our families in Detroit to pursue ministry in Nashville. We packed all of our stuff into a small U-haul and my dilapidated little Plymouth horizon (that first and...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
I couldn’t have written this chapter 3 years ago because I didn’t really understand what I am about to convey… I had a head knowledge but not a heart knowledge. I spent 11 years of marriage trying to NOT have a baby. My dad told me, “Son, you need to have a...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
In the previous chapter, Naked Under Our Clothes I addressed people allowing justification to be a reason for them to sin. In this chapter I would like to address the progression of sin. The Bible says that “The Wages of Sin is Death”! Satan knows...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
Naked Under Our Clothes… The voice in the back of my mind continues to reiterate the statement “Document the Journey” and this is something that has been on my mind for several days now. Like several chapters in this book, this is one I initially considered...