by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2015 | Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
Passing thought today: Although healthy things grow, size is not an automatic indicator of health or success as some may assume. Even cancer grows… Gauging the size of the congregation without also accounting for transformation can result in misinterpretation...
by TattooPreacher | Apr 29, 2015 | Kingdom of God, Quantum Physics, Religion, Science, Uncategorized
Quantum Christianity: Believe Again -Discovering the Science of Scripture. Uncovering the Mysteries of Faith- Coming May 8th, 2015
by TattooPreacher | Apr 23, 2015 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
Most of my life I was taught that God hates sin, which translated in my mind to me becoming the object of that hate when I sinned and concluding that God was mad at me as long as I had sin in my life that I had not asked for forgiveness for. As a pastor, I have...
by TattooPreacher | Apr 17, 2015 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Quantum Physics, Religion, Science
Often times we view God and His word through the lenses that we have been taught or assumed ourselves to be right…I had a conversation with a friend yesterday and he shared something with me that, as a pastor I had never considered before. He quoted the scripture “God...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 17, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
We often reflect the nature of the kingdom of which we are most aware. Those who intentionally seek to understand and establish the Kingdom of God in their lives most often reflect his nature. And in retrospect, those who spend the majority of their time focusing on...