Real Love…

As a retired detective, I have spent a lot of time in court. Something that has never ceased to amaze me is a mother’s love. The defendant may have committed any number of atrocious acts, and his mother will sit behind him in court, day in and day out listening to...

God doesn’t stop short…

If you are like me, I’m sure you have had times in your life when you wondered if what you were doing for God was amounting to anything… Maybe you’ve taken a stand for God with some friends and it seemed all it did was cause a rift in your relationships.  Or maybe you...

God Never Wastes Pain…

As many of you know…A few years ago while on duty, a couple of guys tried to kill me and because of my injuries the doctors mandated that I retire in my law enforcement career as a Detective Sergeant and SWAT team member. In one of my darkest seasons of...

The Best Dad…

Today I was driving down the street with my four year old son Rocky when he piped up from the back seat, “Dad, one day can you buy me a nice telescope…”  as his father, and Being a star gazer myself, it’s my hearts desire to do nice things for him…so  I told him,...

When Life Spirals Out of Control…

Have you ever had your life rearranged so bad that you felt like you could never get back on track and be who you felt like God Called you to be…? This happened with me a few years ago. Before two men attempted to kill me I was on top of the world! I was a S.W.A.T...