by TattooPreacher | Nov 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Constituency? A CONSTITUENCY is any cohesive body of people bound by shared identity, goals, or loyalty. Constituency can be used to describe a business’s customer base and shareholders, or a charity’s donors or those it...
by TattooPreacher | Nov 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
Ok, I wrote this a while ago and hid it…Then, last night I spoke with a friend who has experienced some extremely difficult roads and decided to be honest and release her feelings…As I encouraged her to release those things and remain transparent for others to learn...
by TattooPreacher | Oct 30, 2010 | Uncategorized
When the Rug is Jerked… Last year I had some very unique opportunities arise. I’ve always been a networker and as a result have met a lot of individuals in all lines of work. While speaking with a new contact, I was asked if I knew anyone who traded or dealt in...
by TattooPreacher | Oct 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
Courage To Kill What Your Father Tolerated! (this blog is written to compliment and further expound on my previous blog “To be a man”) Courage To Kill What Your Father Tolerated! The name of this chapter says it all! As human beings, we have all...
by TattooPreacher | Oct 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
Me…Naked… (originally posted October 2010) I used to fight bad guys. I spent my days following up on their mistakes until my investigation yielded enough evidence to convict them. I had a daily purpose. One that gave me a significant sense of...