by TattooPreacher | Aug 18, 2015 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
Pick up the phone and let someone know you are thinking about them. Buy coffee for the guy behind you at Starbucks. Smile at that person who looks out of their eyes like they are hurting (better yet say hello and ask them how they are doing and offer to pray for them...
by TattooPreacher | Jul 15, 2015 | Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
Being sent TO versus being sent OF is significantly different. TO has the additional perspective of an outsider but is often viewed as an outsider because they are. Their position can be respected and influential but is limited if for no other reason than by...
by TattooPreacher | Oct 23, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher
The Bible says that Jesus didn’t do anything except being led by God. So, when we look at life and justify what is “not” by the cliche’ “God is in control”, I question the standard by which we make our assumption…or if we are...
by TattooPreacher | Oct 3, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, Religion, tattoopreacher, Uncategorized
Now before you get all bent, realize that things are rarely as they appear with me & this title is part of my “When Ministry Becomes Comedy” series… It will all make sense in a minute… Many years ago I was attending a church in Troy, Michigan (a city in the most...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2014 | Christianity, Kingdom of God, leadership, Religion, tattoopreacher
Starting Over… As painful as it has been, starting over has been a part of my life story. I’ve had several very key and unexpected setbacks that seemed to completely redirect my entire life…The most drastic being completely losing my career in Law Enforcement with no...