TattooPreacher Blog

Living Free…

I haven't been posting all of the chapters from the book in this blog, but this is an essential follow up chapter to chapter 13 (freedom) that was posted previously so I am posting this rough draft chapter for those of you who are my "faithful readers" and may benefit...

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Chapter 13- Renouncing Sin So many Christians hear about freedom from sin and want to experience that freedom but never really reach a place of victory over it...why? Exodus 34:6-7 …God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and...

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The Law of Sin

This is a rough draft chapter from my next book...Are we predisposed to sin...Is there a hope for freedom from it on this side of heaven?Chapter 12-The Law of SinDeuteronomy 30:19 (New International Version, ©2011) 19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as...

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Riding the Monster!

You are in a KEY position to be a tremendous influence in your industry.  I LOVE to hear about solid christian men and women who are in positions of influence in their industries.  Most people would simply not understand what it means (the full paradigm) to stand in...

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Make Lemonade…

Make Lemonade… So what do you say to the guy who tried to kill you…? I’ve heard it said, “When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade…” I’m not big on cutesy clichés like this one or “sticks and stones” that, when placed against the backdrop of reality simply do not...

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Takin’ It Back

Rough Draft Chapter for my next book "...After doing time" Chapter 10-  Our Authority Over Circumstances In the past few chapters we have established a consistency on the importance of where we place our agreement and understanding precisely what it means to not only...

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It means “To Turn”

This is another rough Draft Chapter from the book that I am presently writing... After Doing Time Chapter 9- It means "To Turn" In previous chapters we have discussed the power of applying the Word of God to our lives and placing our agreement in what it says despite...

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