Quantum Christianity

QX Audio give away Mini-iPad-B&W-Mockup 2

Quantum Christianity Available NOW as an Audio Book!


By Popular Demand!  Quantum Christianity – Believe Again – Is available on AUDIBLE and iTunes Store!

Click HERE for Audible/Amazon link

 The May 8th Book Launch was a HUGE success!  Thank you everyone who purchased Quantum Christianity: Believe Again on the day of the release!  We hit #2 on the Amazon’s Best Seller list in Science & Religion!

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It was funny because I didn’t even realize that it had hit this mark, (Wasn’t even aware to watch for it) then, my wife pointed it out to me at the end of the night!  It was a really nice end to a very special day to say the least.  Thank you all for being a part of it!

Take a look inside the book: Click Here



To Purchase Quantum Christianity Click the Links Below:

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qx Position 6 front and back

 (Click the picture link for a higher resolution view of the cover)



~ Discovering the Science of Scripture. Uncovering the Mysteries of Faith. ~




Have you ever looked at life, religion, or the human condition and silently thought to yourself, “There has got to be more”?

Religious resolve—from Cecessionism and Agnosticism to full-blown Atheism—often has roots in a Christian upbringing, abruptly halted by unfulfilled expectations of God. Maybe you’ve had questions like these: “If the God of the Bible is truly ‘God,’ then why are there starving children in Africa?” “Why, when I did everything I knew to do, did God not come through for me?” “How is it, if God is good, that evil so triumphs in the earth? And how does His ‘will’ even make sense in the midst of such apparent chaos?” If so, you’re not alone.

Many times the perceived inconsistency between what we have been taught and what we have experienced is the catalyst for diminished faith, if not a loss of faith altogether. But what if what you have been told and have accepted as “Truth” is only a partial truth? Or what if what you have ultimately rejected as a “faith fairytale” was based upon incomplete information? What if, in that faith-defining moment when your heart cried out “There has got to be more!” you were right and there actually is an answer?

By discovering the science of scripture and uncovering the mysteries of faith, Quantum Christianity provides a deeper look into what we believe, why we believe it, and the surprising answers that await us when we blend science and faith.



Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.53.55 PMPeople don’t just drop out of church or leave their faith—they drift! Drift by sweeping currents of ideas and ideology that pull them away and ultimately under. They sit in our pews and eat at our dinner table. The quest of their faith sabotaged by too many unanswered questions. Aaron Davis is a spiritual lifeguard. This book a lifesaver. Whose faith have you seen crashed by the tsunami of intellectual assault on faith? Whose innocence of belief have you’ve seen drowned in pain-driven paradigms and unprocessed process with no available rescue in sight? Perhaps yours?

This book is a push back to tough accusations against intelligent faith. Aaron dares to question the naive and oft lame answers that collapse in these stormy times. I know Aaron. I know his heart. I know this book is a must for this time and generation.

—Phil Munsey, Chairman Champions Network, Joel Osteen Ministries/Lakewood Church


Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.56.53 PMOften in life, we base our opinions on our own experiences and perceptions; then we allow our opinions to become our beliefs.Sometimes this is good, but many times our beliefs grow warped because our experience did not meet expectations. In his book, Quantum Christianity, Aaron Davis postulates that we do the same with our understanding of God, letting our own experiences shape our belief system, accurate or not. Through personal experiences and with great insight, Aaron shares how the reality of God is radically more than we may have believed until now. This book will make you look at God, at life, and at yourself in a whole new light and will strengthen and renew your faith.

—Dr. Dave Martin, America’s #1 Christian Success Coach and author of Twelve Traits of the Greats and Another Shot


Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.57.19 PMWithin the heart of every person lies quintessential questions of faith, existence, and identity. My friend, Aaron Davis, creates a bridge that all walks of life can cross to discover a deeper, more fulfilling understanding of God and His Word. Each chapter unravels questions and doubts that have resulted in fragmented faith to give readers the keys to live with a renewed faith in God and His purpose for them. Quantum Christianity is a must read for everyone!

—Sergio De La Mora, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church of San Diego, author of The Heart Revolution


Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.57.56 PMFinding out who you are and why you are here changes everything. Staying the course no matter what comes your way—now that’s victory. This book will give you some life-changing keys to all of the above.

—Mark Ramsey, Senior Pastor Citipointe Church




Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 3.58.28 PMAaron Davis is one of my very best friends and colleagues in ministry. Not only is He an exceptional communicator of the Gospel, he has a way of doing it like no other. He stands head and shoulders above most people I know (literally and figuratively). From the moment I began reading this book, I was glued to the pages. It felt like I was immersed in a modern-day action thriller. His true-life (and near-death) story from tragedy to triumph will inspire you to greatness.

Quantum Christianity helps answer serious questions for those struggling to find God in a broken world such as: “Is God real?” “How can I know for sure?” and “If God is real, is he merely a distant observer or is he actually involved in my life?” Aaron’s deeply personal and traumatic life experiences, along with his exhaustive research and Grace-based, apologetic perspective, aptly qualifies him to speak to those whose faith in God has been severely challenged and even crippled. He also powerfully addresses those who are contemplating a newfound faith altogether. This book will undoubtedly help you discover a profound sense of meaning through your struggles and better understand God’s ultimate purpose for your life.

—Tony Sutherland, International Speaker, Author, Worship Leader, Songwriter, www.tonysutherland.com Atlanta, GA


Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 4.04.01 PMTrue wisdom is so much more than the accumulation of information. True wisdom is knowledge rightly applied. In sizzling fashion, Aaron Davis reveals such wisdom in Quantum Christianity. Aaron has a unique ability to hit the heart of a topic while also challenging one’s mind to rethink its positioning. As a friend who often leans on the counsel of Aaron Davis, I have never found myself disappointed by his reasoning. Nor will you, as you journey through the pages of these insightful reflections.

—Clint Thomas, Author of Peace Treaty, Founder of Slow Burn Inc. and Chaos Theory Inc.



Those of you who know me well know that I spend quite a bit of time reading and studying diverse theological and scientific perspectives.  To my excitement (and that of those who have gotten a sneak peak into it), some of the content and perspectives are shedding a completely new light on subjects most have never before heard addressed with clarity.

Check out some of the feedback from a few of the readers:

“I’ve spent the last two days weeping…If what you have stated in this book is true, then I have to reevaluate everything I have ever believed about God and how He feels about me.” – 20 something Female nurse who has struggled believing that God loved her because of events that transpired in her life.

“Aaron, I spoke with my wife tonight about what you have written and we are both in tears.  I’ve never considered the possibility of God from this perspective, please do not quit writing.  You have to finish this, the world needs to hear it…” – 30 something Male Gospel Recording Artist.

“I’ve never seen someone quantify, articulate and explain the thoughts and questions that I have had about God with this kind of relatable clarity.  I love the way that you bounce back and forth between science and theology and tie them together.  The content in this book is brilliant…” – 30 something Male producer and theoretical physics enthusiast.

“At first I was a little intimidated by the title assuming it may be above my head, but the way you have presented it was fantastic!  I’ve read it twice and it was even better the second time!  You specifically point out common “misteachings” or “misunderstandings” (for lack of better descriptors) about the Bible and explain things in a way that makes sense and is inspiring; I feel like you carefully and successfully “walk the line” between what you believe are truths & foundational principles in the … The book really makes you feel like you are TRULY part of something much bigger & that you DO make a difference – more so than perhaps we can ever even imagine or truly understand.  I really do think this book is greatly needed and can potentially make a HUGE positive impact in the world.  If people are receptive to it – it can be a game changer – and there aren’t many times one can say that. – 40 something Female talent scout & manager

“Aaron, this book is so good!  On many occasions it has blown my mind and truly altered my spiritual perspective by helping validate and clarify views I have as a Christ follower…” – 30 something Male Med Student

As you can see, there is a consistent message in the feedback and I’m SUPER encouraged with how it is resonating with so many different demographics!

So What’s The Book About? 


Combining science and theology, my vision for this book is to inspire those who have, at one time had faith in God and lost it or at least questioned it (due to unresolved life events or questions contradicting their expectation of God or the Bible) to become open to the possibility of believing again through the presentation of new evidence surrounding their faith-altering event or processes. – No small feat there huh…? Yet, probably applicable (in some capacity) in the life of every person reading this now.

I didn’t write this book to “write another book”…I literally felt like it was a mandate that I could not shake and I knew from the beginning that what was placed in my heart with this project was SO MUCH bigger than me.

I have shed more tears than I could count and on two different occasions I have literally wept asking God if there was someone more competent to birth this message while crumbling up and tossing out hours of work after rereading what I wrote & knowing it did not articulate the depth of importance that I felt the subject matter demanded. I mean let’s be honest, I’m presenting content that may be the catalyst to restore someone’s hope and faith in God, by addressing HARD questions with more than the traditional, “It’s just God’s will…Like it or lump it…” response.

As a result, Quantum Christianity: Believe Again was written and it will be released May 8th, 2015


Check out my Amazon.com author store here:  amazon.com/author/tattoopreacher