In my own experience, it has not been atheists or those involved in the Occult who have been the most hateful toward me, (in actuality most of these have been quite respectful in our dialogue). On the contrary, it has been those who call themselves Christians. To be fair, i’ve had more christians show me love than not but it doesn’t negate the conflicting experience & ironically, the times when those have been the MOST cutting has been when I addressed the subject of Love.

When the Bible says “Love Believes All Things” it’s not talking about naivety or agreeing with everything. It’s referring to looking at people through lenses of Love and finding the common ground to preserve unity. Certainly there will always be people who are more difficult to “receive” from because their mannerisms are different than ours and at times even irritating. But this isn’t a green light to step outside of Love — Not when you are a believer.

Luke 6:28Amplified Bible (AMP)

28 Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you, implore God’s blessing (favor) upon those who abuse you [who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you].

Sometimes people speak great truths but choose words to convey their hearts that would differ from our preferences, triggering a disagreement when intentionally looking to understand rather than criticize might prove we are not as far apart in our perspectives as it may appear on the surface. This lack of love while listening keeps us from insight and worse yet, dishonors servants of the Lord when loving consideration may actually clarify what we think we disagree with.

Ultimately, Love positions us to succeed. Even when we strongly disagree with someone, Love should keep us from mocking or rejecting them for a difference of perspective because Love looks for the best in an effort to understand the person and their heart.

Now, all things considering, will you apply this to your experience…even w/that pastor or televangelist?


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